On Mandrake ensure sendmail installed
Also using install package GUI, install all "sasl" containing packages.
Change directory to where your sendmail configuration files (sendmail.mc and sendmail.cf) are located, usually /etc/mail/.
Create a safe subdirectory (suggested name auth/):
# mkdir auth
# chmod 600 auth
Create a file with your authentication information (suggested name auth/client-info):
AuthInfo:your.isp.net "U:root" "I: user" "P: password" "M: PLAIN"
filling in your ISP's mail server, your user name, and your password. (Note: Earthlink, and perhaps other ISP's, requires your full e-mail address as a user name.)
Generate the authentication database and make both files readable only by root:
# cd auth
# makemap hash client-info (less than sign) client-info
# chmod 600 client-info*
# cd ..
NOTE: you may need to chmod to 740 before makemap on client-info* and auth
Add the following lines to your sendmail.mc file, filling in your ISP's mail server:
FEATURE(`authinfo',`hash /etc/mail/auth/client-info')dnl
Generate sendmail.cf:
# m4 sendmail.mc > sendmail.cf
Restart the sendmail daemon, e.g., (this depends on your OS):
# kill -HUP `cat /var/run/sendmail.pid`
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